Xonar DSX sound - issue

Hi everyone,

I am coming with an issue in sound system? I dont know really myself. I have JUST installed UBUNTU mate on my PC.

My sound driver is DSX xonar which works fine if I am connecting something stright into the output of the sound card. Then I have Monitor Acer VG027 bmiix which has speakers in the monitor. Sadly, they dont have any sound coming out from the monitor. Anyone has any clue how to fix that?

Monitor is connected to the tower using DisplayPort cable, and power socket. (nothing else, except possibility of connecting the headphones to the monitor.

As far as I think the sound on windows was coming through the cable DisplayPort. In ubuntu then doesnt work .

Any clues how to fix it? I have checked if the sound is muted or switched off someways in alsamixer = its not. I read that aslamixer is glitching someties with xonar dsx but I have tried to reaload it and restarted pc but not solved yet.

Hi equ,

have you checked both hardware and output in sound settings?. :grinning:

yes, i did all visable only the source of sound works meaning xonar dsx, acer nitro monitor should be getting sound from xonar and be the speakers for the xonar card but it doesnt work sadly

Hi equ,

did you also look at "Connectors"?. :thinking: