Zoom on 64bit Pi4?

Is it possible to install zoom on one of these running UbuntuMate 20.04?
I can see there is a zoom_amd64.deb but haven't any further knowledge

that package would not work as it is for intel/amd processors it would have to say arm64 and then it should work provided the pi has enough resources to run it

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Zoom does not currently offer their software with an arm version.

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That accords with what I have found - I hoped for a solution.

Search youtube - there is a video showing how to get zoom running on Pi with something called (I think) box86. It seems to be "good enough" to use. It's on my ever-growing list of things to try...

The thing I haven't yet been able to find is a Discord instance - real pita

Found the link - there are several others too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yx3XzYnHV4