16.04 Install Problem

I installed UM and it is not able to boot to the desktop.

Hi @cinema2k,

did you follow this advice when creating your boot media?:

See also:

I burned it at default settings. The live dvd ran fine.
I have able to get to the Desktop.
This seems to be in the area of fsck.

I re-burned the DVD at 6X and it shows the same error lvmetad. It does a direct activation and goes to the Desktop.
I will update it soon from the Welcome screen.

After updating through the Welcome screen, I rebooted and had the same error that direct activation was used.
Then fsck did its job and it booted to Desktop.
I did get a update prompt that I selected to “remind me later”
I will run that tonight.

Are you, by any chance, dual-booting with Windows 8 or 10?

No. One HDD and two ODD.
I wonder if I should have chosen not to use LVM.
I posted my machine specs. in the Super List.

Check if this can help you: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/270388/lvmetad-is-not-active-yet-using-direct-activation-during-sysinit

I am not for sure how that helps.
I may have to get rid of my logical volumes.

Check out the partition guide and before you do too much on the system, re-format everything using 1 swap, 1 root and 1 home partitions!. :smiley:

I installed Gparted.
I only get two lines and not the big list you see at beginning of the post.


  1. don't use LVM

  2. create your partitions per the guide

  3. wipe the drive completley and do the following:

set up a swap partiton of the same size as your RAM

create an "Extended partition" with the remainder of the drive

create a root partition of not more than 15GB

use the rest for your home partition.

Install using the "Something Else method":

I used to do this during the Red Hat days.
I am not for sure how I want to do it now.
It will be a while before I do this.
I may rerun the installer minus the LVM settings.

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I reinstalled using default settings and did not use LVM and I did not get the error as above.

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I am running Mutiny and Marco ( Compton GPU Compositor ).
The machine rebooted after a reboot and now is running.
It appears to be running fine.
Was that normal?

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Hi. I installed Ubuntu MATE 16.04 over an existing 14.04 unity install, with LVM, dm-crypt and a raid5 stacked on one another. I saw this exact screen. A few reboots and some tweaks later, I managed to fix it. One of the steps I do believe was crucial to this repair was rebuilding the initramfs.

Lots of things break when you have goofy setups like mine.


This sounds like you basically had a broken install so yes!, it would be normal for things to improve after re-installing!. :smiley:

You can tick best answer to mark this thread as solved so it helps others!. :smiley: