[22.04] Menu and indicators removed in Redmond after fresh installed

I noticed a very annoying bug in 22.04.0 after fresh installed.
Just after installed, before updates, when we switch to Redmon interface and then reboot, then the Menu and the indicators are missing. Easy to reproduce:
Install 22.04.04
At first launch, switch to Redmond
Reboot and tadam, no menu and no indicators in the bottom bar.
It's very annoying :frowning:

I sort of ran into that also, I restarted a time or two and they came back

I'm installing Ubuntu Mate since 4 years, for old peoples. Because it's the only Ubuntu flavor which can mimic layout of Windows 7/10 and can really lock the panel with the command:
gsettings set org.mate.panel locked-down true

Unfortunately, as many old peoples have this very sad issue, I can no more install Ubuntu Mate for old peoples. They are just not able to understand to reboot their machine to bring back the menu and the indicators, in a lucky day.

This is the second big issue for old peoples in addition of my other topic about menu broken after upgrade from 20.04 to 22.04 with Redmond layout with Dock applet.

if I remember right the bug was hardware specific it only happened on an older piece of hardware