Add notifications for completed terminal commands?

Many other distributions ship this feature by default. Do you like it? Do you think it's a good idea to add to 17.10? :slight_smile:

Above all, is it feasible as of now to add to 17.10 already? Found those related discussions:

Seems to be pending upstream...

Is this what you’re looking for: ntfy?

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Yep, brilliant!

What do you think of integrating it into default 17.10?

ntfy looks great! Sadly not something suitable for including by default.

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@Wimpy, why not suitable to be included by default?

Because it requires specific configuration, the variables are many.

The only two things I had to do were:

  1. sudo pip install ntfy
  2. echo ‘eval “$(ntfy shell-integration)”’ >> ~/.bashrc

This cannot be added?

I read the documentation. Stuff like editors need excluding and other tweaks are almost certainly likely. Making a change like this in everyone’s bashrc is a too invasive IMO.

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OK. How do other distros do this? I don’t think they integrate ntfy, do they? Did they develop their own solution?

In this case, MATE Terminal would need a new feature.

I see. In this case, we are back at Let’s hope they can add that feature.

To be perfectly honest, it is the kind of feature-creep I always wish doesn’t happen. And it runs straight into my extremely low tolerance towards notification windows, which only makes it worse.

I think the first argument is more valid though, and I can’t see why this feature shouldn’t just exist in its current state; i.e. an external application one downloads if they wish the functionality. Instead of a non standard hack.


Oooh, I like this idea! Fully agree, make it more easy for non-hackers to get this installed. Maybe the software boutique?

ntfy is not available via apt, PPA or snap. So therefore not suitable to the Boutique.

Given they provided one of those channels, could we add it to the Boutique?

I only see pip install instructions.

For now, yes, but we could ask them if they can provide one of those, so we can include it. :slight_smile:

Certainly also beneficial to them if a major distribution like Ubuntu MATE includes them in their Boutique!

Anyone has tested both ntfy and undistract-me ? The latter is in universe.

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This looks interesting, thanks @ouroumov.

Cool. Could undistract-me be directly integrated given it's in universe?