I can't UPGRADE from UM 19.04 to 19.10 or to 20.04 LTS.
I changed apt list to eoan or focal.
Message after "do-release-upgrade ":
Your Ubuntu release is not supported anymore.
Please install all available updates for your RELEASE
before upgrading.
What can I do to upgrade?
28 July 2020 17:48
I've never had changed apt.list before upgrade. Do not know if that could be the reason of the fault, though.
Hi mate2go,
both 19.04 and 19.10 are EOL (End Of Life), try using the "Something else method " to upgrade, make a copy of all your files that you might need if you don't have a separate root and home partition.
As of July 17, 2020 Ubuntu MATE 19.10 will reach EOL (End of Life) and is no longer supported. There will be no more updates or security patches for this release.
Being an interim release, these are only supported for 9 months .
How do I check?
See which version you are running by opening the System Monitor and checking the System tab.
Or via the Terminal:
cat /etc/os-release
Still using 19.10?
The upgrade path will be to the current LTS release, 20.04 , supported un…
Hi all,
this guide can be used on any Ubuntu based system and is intended for people who have a basic working knowledge of an Ubuntu installation and wish to keep the contents of their home folder after doing a re-install.
This guide is also intended for those that already have an existing swap, root and home partition setup!!.
If you have not done/never done any pre-partitioning, please see this guide about using Gparted partition editor:
See also:
Solution :
Edited "/etc/apt/sources.list"
added :
deb Index of /ubuntu eoan main
deb Index of /ubuntu eoan-updates main
deb Index of /ubuntu eoan-security main
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install update-manager-core
sudo apt-get update
RUN Synaptic Package Manager
Upgraded all new packages
After that rebooted and now I have UM 19.10 installed.
lsb_release -a
Distributor ID:
Ubuntu 19.10
Now I have to upgrade to UM 20.04 LTS
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