Change Caja Background

usr /share /caja /patterns is the folder that contains the images you can see as a caja background.
To change the background:
open caja, from Edit menu , select Backgrounds and Emblems and drag the pattern on white caja background.
Since some of these patterns are really ugly, I replaced them with others made by me.
To replace them you should open caja as administrator.
If you put a small image, this is repeated to fill all the space and you can create geometric patterns
Alternatively you can choose a color, even choosing a custom color.

dark mate

Italian speaking link:


thank for that tutorial

but, i cant find “Backgrounds and Emblems” on edit menu


You need Ubuntu MATE 16.04. It was removed in later versions, unfortunately.

  • In 16.10 this feature was broken, so a patch was added to remove the menu item for it.
  • In 17.04 it should work, but nobody removed the patch, so still no menu item :slight_smile:
  • In 17.10 @Wimpy finally removed the patch (as I see in this commit).

The dialog is still buggy though. You’ll need to resize it after every switch between categories on the left pane, otherwise it becomes empty. We still have the bug report open because of it:


b. but why?
thats a very cool feature…

Because of GTK 3. It might come back in Ubuntu MATE 17.10, though. See monsta’s reply.

Funny thing is that it seems easier to manually change background of a GTK 3 file-manager like Nemo, than a GTK 2 file-manager like Thunar. But I don’t really know, that’s why having a GUI to do it in Caja was so nice.

I’m happy this feature is coming back. It’s a huge usability feature and should be standard in all file-managers. Sadly only Caja (MATE) and Dolphin (KDE, through colour schemes) have a GUI for this.

And I was trying this with KDE4 (Oxygen-engine) so I don’t even know how colour-schemes work in KDE5.

Well, if Caja will be the only file-manager to support this with a GUI, then that’s a big feature for MATE. :+1:

yeah thats right.

btw what diferences about kde4 and kde5?

KDE 4 is built with Qt 4 (toolkit). KDE 5 uses Qt 5.

which more lightweight? KDE 4 OR KDE 5?