Changing from other Ubuntu based distros

So i have used Ubuntu and many Ubuntu based distros such as Elementary, Mint and plenty of the flavors such as Lubuntu, Xubuntu and Kubuntu. I liked Kubuntu but its too unstable in my opinion, dolphin crashes too often and the terminal hangs plus sometimes updates and install error mid way for no understandable reason although in the 2nd install it always goes smooth. there are plenty of other problems. I read many articles that Xenia was a buggy update, others say its buggy but not quite as much, and mint 18 is being praised and haven’t heard bad things about it as of yet, but anyways I have rambled for long enough, I wanted to know about peoples experience on Ubuntu Mate’s Stability.

Go read this - sort of duplicate topic - it may provide the answers you’re looking for

I read that before making this topic and plenty of other stuff. But no that post did not answer my doubts, they just talk about security and Mint Mate and Ubuntu Mate being a opinion of taste. They don’t talk about how Stable Mate is compared to Mint or the other flavors of ubuntu in 16.04.1.

the only way you’re going to find out if UM is stable on your machine is to install and run it for a few days.

personally, i’ve found it to be 99.753% stable on my hardware.


For my 2 personal installations Rock Solid

HP Desktop
Dell laptop

Plus I've installed on my 2 grand kids' pcs ... working ok
#1 & #2

I’m trying it out now, so far no manager crashes or weird error. Also the terminal is a lot smoother and much more responsive. Feels very well done so far. I believe this subject can close until I have issues I guess xD