Customizing The Login Screen Ubuntu Mate 16.04

Hello everyone I wanted to know the best way to customize the login screen for 16.04 Mate

It seems a little naked and there’s not much I can do to it I would a login to resemble Ubuntu 16.04 if I can

Any help would be much appreciated

Thanks everyone

Moved to support, 16.04 is no longer under development.

Under System/Admin/LightDM Settings

Changes like theme/icons/wallpaper can be made there.

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You might find some hint here

What do you mean 16.04 is no longer under development does that mean it can't be customized?

I know 16.04 has been finalized and released....

I 'll try those setting but I don't think there's a lot you can do to customize the login unless I'm wrong, I was in those setting a while back but I have to take another look

Thanks so much

There is now a final release of 16.04, the next developmental version will be 16.10 and placed there. The current 16.04 developmental discussions will die out and be put to rest.

Your desktop will always be open to customization.

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I think LightDM GTK+ Greeter Settings as @anon42388993 points out is the closest you will get for customising the default login screen.

Of course, you're not just limited to LightDM GTK+ Greeter, as you could use unity-greeter as used in Ubuntu "Unity" for the login screen:


I’m not really sure I follow your method for changing the Greeter to Unity

I’m assuming the your method applies to me :wink:
If so please read post #6 on Ubuntu Forums where deadflowr proposed the method I used.