Desktop Layout in Welcome?

I'm playing around with 17.10 alpha 1 and I love the global menu, HUD and the way you can combine the menus.
Go to Mate-Tweak -> Panels --- Stop!!!
A total newbie doesn't know anything about Mate-Tweak.
So, wouldn't it be great to have a button in Welcome for the layouts.
The only thing that must happen by clicking the button is that Mate-Tweak opens with the panel tab.
I think this should be not so much effort, but it would be a great effect.
And when you can choose the layout from Welcome a lot of default layout discussion becomes unnecessary.
I've not wrote code, but I "gimped" what I mean.
What do you think about that?


I advocated for this idea in the past. First-time system setup, panel layout and preferences should be a thing there. If nothing else have a button that executes MATE Tweak and have a basic primer in Welcome for what it all means.

If the two were coded hand-in-hand, similar to the software boutique then mate-tweak can be excised and ubuntu-mate-welcome would absorb its functionality.


I agree that Welcome should offer to choose the layout, and have this work with MATE Tweak in the background.

I am thinking this should be part of first time wizard on first boot/login. Getting Started → Customisation does already mention and provide a link that opens MATE Tweak for changing the user interface.


14 posts were split to a new topic: Can Ubuntu MATE consider dropping unnecessary software?

I’m a bit surprised that Welcome is now a launcher on all the pre-defined panel layouts that can be accessed via Mate-tweak. I would like to remove it from the System subsection of the global menu (it’s also there on 16.04).

You can remove it right? I know I can remove the welcome launcher from the panel…

Yeah, it’s no problem. I like the welcome screen but I have no use for it. Uninstalling it went fine (at first I thought it might pull ubuntu-mate-desktop as a dependency).

Here's another +1 to presenting this on the first login -- I'm imagining the same thing:

Of course, there should be a way to get back to these screens later. I'm thinking they could be buttons in Getting Started, not as such where @Holgerrpl has kindly mocked up as it doesn't quite fit with the category design of the main menu. :thinking:

I agree and love the idea
As a newbie, it was one of the very first things I was searching for
Having a button which is "straight" to the layout options in the Welcome is a great idea

Your button (2 icons) is perfect too as it shows without any doubt what it is all about