Desktop unusable after installation


First of all i sorry if this topic was discussed befeore. I searched but did not found anything to this.

So.. The problem is, that after i installed the Ubuntu Mate 20.0.4, rebooted in the new installation and after the lightdm login the desktop was fragmented and can not be used. I enter a new tty and update and upgrade it via cli, the rebooted and it seems that does have no effect.

If anyone encountered that before please leave a comment.

Thank you

Welcome to the community @George_Guta.

Which graphics card do you have? Does the following issue similar to yours and the provides suggestion helps.


Thank you for ypur answer. It's my fault i forgot to say that i use a Lenovo laptop IdeeaPad with AMD Ryzen 5 as CPU and Vega 8 mobile as video card.

My issue is very similar with this one( identical)>

I tried the fix sugested here:

But the problem still persist.

Any help will be much appreciated

Thank you