DVD playback in 16.04

You are right, cause here I am. Thanks for the post in No password == no updates 18.04 - #4 by mdooley. That solved the problem in one machine, the other seems to be a BIOS problem.

I am switching horses now to a philosophy question that has/is bothering me.

When Ubuntu arrives with pre-installed apps, such as, VLC, that don't work they are doing a giant disservice to their new users. Yes, it can be made to work by switching over to terminal mode and entering commands, but why?

It is akin to going into the new car showroom ordering your new car and then discovering you have to buy and install the driveshaft. Or even worse, it is like you can only play in my sandbox if I will allow you and I give you the secret password.

Everyone on this forum has been so helpful in getting me up and running and I REALLY appreciate it. But "corporate" is hamstringing new users by pulling stunts like that. Plus let's throw in the fact that previous fixes don't work and you need the new secret "fix" it get it to run.

Do you have any idea why this mindset persists? Is this a Wimpy question?

Another giant mistake is allowing the install of 18.04, and maybe earlier versions, with no password required. Why would they allow that to happen? You can't update the software to begin with and it goes downhill from there.

Obviously I don't think I am whining, but maybe I am. I would love to see more users, but the learning curve is steep.