Four problems: Caja shortcut duplication, Firefox window border, Remove emacs(Terminal), Add "open terminal here"

System: Debian i386 MATE

:ballot_box_with_check: Question 1:
I've remapped the shortcut for the "home" entry to Super+F, then I did the same to Super+E to "emacs -gui", but when I use Super+E it starts up Caja instead of Emacs. why?
SOLUTION by tkn:

:black_square_button: Question 2: My theme consists of GreenLaguna + TraditionalGreen, but on Firefox TraditionalGreen is replaced to Grenlaguna window border. why?

:ballot_box_with_check: Question 3: Is there a way to remove emacs(Terminal) from the Applications menu? I only use Emacs gtk GUI.
SOLUTION by tkn:
sudo apt install menulibre && sudo apt install mozo && mate-panel --reset

  1. Right click Menu (of any type).
  2. Click "Edit Menus".
  3. Toggle/untoggle "Hide from menus" on chosen element.
  4. Save.

:ballot_box_with_check: Question 4: Is there a way to add the entry "open terminal here"?
SOLUTION by sgage:

sudo apt install caja-open-terminal
caja -q

Thank you.


Welcome @caja-shortcut to the community!

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Thank you kindly! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

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You need to install a package - I believe it's 'caja-open-terminal' or something close.


This solved the "open with terminal" question, thank you!

Question 1:
I've remapped the shortcut for the "home" entry to Super+F, then I did the same to Super+E to "emacs -gui", but when I use Super+E it starts up Caja instead of Emacs. why?

Because the used windowmanager "marco" also has shortcuts defined, but these do not show up in mate-configuration-center -> keyboard-shortcuts

Here is a howto to change the keyboard shortcuts of "marco":


It works! Thank you :slight_smile:


Question 3: Is there a way to remove emacs(Terminal) from the Applications menu? I only use Emacs gtk GUI.

Right-click on the menu-icon and choose "Edit Menus":

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Can I modify the "Applications menu"?

Yes, you can hide entries by removing the checkmark.

You can also create or edit menuitems here.


I do apologize, but clicking on the icon, "Applications", "Places" or "System" gives me only the following options:

  • Help
  • Remove from panel
  • Move (greyed out)
  • :ballot_box_with_check: Lock to panel

What am I missing?

Got it! Modifying the "Brisk menu" works for any kind of menu! Thank you :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, they can all be edited by right-clicking on the menu-logo :slight_smile:

b.t.w. you don't need brisk-menu. It also works without it:


For some reason I'm missing that option in that menu type.

No matter if I click on: icon, Applications, Places or System.

check if "mozo" is installed (mozo is the name of menu editor).

If you don't know how:
Open a terminal and type

apt search mozo

It should respond with:

Sorting... Done
Full Text Search... Done
mozo/jammy,jammy,now 1.26.1-1 all [installed]
  easy MATE menu editing tool

Most important part of the reply is "[installed]" :slight_smile:


mozo wasn't installed.
After sudo apt install mozo,
apt search indicates "installed".

Good, try again to right-click on the logo of the menu :slight_smile:


After a mate-panel --reset the Edit Menus option has appeared! Thank you :face_holding_back_tears:


Likely because green laguna is the gtk theme you are using but in traditional applications you can overide it with the Traditional Green titlebars however firefox is probably using the gtk theme for everything. Do you have it set to use the tab bar combined with the window buttons (CSD), if so thats probably why else wise it's just a firefox thing