Frequent Freezing of UBUNTU 16.04

I need a help with Ubuntu 16.04 for last few
months. Earlier it was difficult to install Ubuntu on my Asus X553M,
intel Baytrail M Quad-core 2930 up to 2.16 GHz. 2GB, 500GB. I am also
uploading the ct log for reference.

My problem is System starts freezing too often nower days and I have to
press Power ON button and all the works are lost as system restarts.

I have integrated graphics not discrete cards.

Any help is highly appreciable.

What happens exactly when Ubuntu is “freezing”? Does the system react to any input? Which window manager do you use?

Thanks for the response.

I am using Unity as Desktop Environment.

The system does nothing, not even the mouse pointer moves. Even video playback freezes
at that point.

I have only one option i.e. press “power-button” for long to make the system restart. (Thanks to non-removable battery.

I m sending the link for CTLOG

for your ready reference.

Hello, it looks like you are using Ubuntu, not Ubuntu Mate, right (Unity as desktop)? If so, make a clean install of Ubuntu Mate 16.04.1 to make your system leaner. The freeze indicates a driver problem. If this doesn’t help, it might be better to install Ubuntu Mate 16.10 due to kernel 4.8 which supports more drivers.


See point #3 on this thread:

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Hello @Shailendra_Srivastav

According to my experience, when a system freezes, if one pressed their CAPS LOCK (or NUM LOCK) key on their keyboard their LED should go on and off, is it the case?

If the LEDs on your keyboard do NOT react when you press them that means your system as a physical problem.

If however the LEDs do turn on and off then the problem is software.

Adding to all of the leads that you have been given here, next time your system freezes, what happens when you press CTRL+ALT+F1? does the screen turns black and you are facing a login prompt? If so, can you type stuff in there?

That will give you another clear indicator.

However, as stated previously, Ubuntu MATE does not use Unity therefore another good thing to try would be to install UM officialis.

Hope this helps,

Thanks All, for guiding me well to install Ubuntu-Mate.

Its cool and my frequent hanging problem is almost solved.

I have still a solution to discuss. My shutdown or reboot is not powering off my
machine and each time i have to wait for long. I have also tried alter system.conf in a solution, but didnt wrk.

Why is my machine not shutting down - waiting at line
543.#####s kvm stopping hardware virtualization.

Please guide.

Great. You know what you are doing.

Hello. Please read Ouroumovs post and follow the link. All you need to do is well explained. Hope it helps.

i tried the fourth point of ouroumov post. Thanks for the post, Its great!.

I changed system.conf as guided. still no progress. Although my system is disconnecting all the stuffs, waiting a long time at

kvm: exiting hardware virtualization

what is kvm ? and how to ensure a proper shut down.