I had been happily putting my PC running Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS into Suspend, and then putting away the USB keyboard and mouse. Sometime recently, perhaps from a Software Update, it stopped working. Now, unless very careful putting them away and avoiding any chance they're jostled later, the PC can wake without me knowing.
My fix had been simply turning off wake by USB in the BIOS. It's still set that way, and I tried re/unsetting it with no change. So I've been reading lots of old posts online (most/all in other distros), about using echo or printf to send specific device names to /proc/acpi/wakeup and of course, it doesn't work. I don't have su set up and with sudo I get:
bash: /proc/acpi/wakeup: Permission denied
Among the least complex suggestions I've found, is to simply add echo lines to /etc/rc.local and of course the system happily reports:
/etc/rc.local: No such file or directory
The devices listed as enabled in /proc/acpi/wakeup are RP05, 8, & 21 with PCI addresses, so maybe USB ports on a card? The power button I'd been using to wake the PC is apparently XHC, the only other thing enabled, also PCI.
I've spelunked around searching various strings like wake, suspend, etc. in Dconf Editor without success. With the good fortune to have a small SSD I've taken to Shutdown since boot is only a few seconds, but I have to close or lose any work in progress.
While it would be wonderful if Mate had a simple setting for this somewhere like Control Panel / Power Management, maybe it's rare that users want it. I'm guessing it could also be insanely complex to auto-detect what various systems are calling the USB ports, if they all follow the convention of using /proc/acpi/wakeup to toggle them.
Help me, O Wizards! Any ideas?