I am using UM 17.04 Beta 2 and I have a problem with my VPN programm.
It doesn’t show a tray icon and when I close it to tray it will vanish into deep darkness of never return.
It also doesn’t have a option like “show tray icon” like enpass does.
In 16.04 and 16.10 this worked just fine. Didn’t have a problem there
Is there a method to force showing a tray icon?
How can I reopen windows that are minimized to tray and don’t show as an icon?
Normally if I click the icon it will show again, but if there is no icon…?
Same goes to closing a terminal window into backround like when using OpenVPN.
Is there a way to restore that terminal window visible?
I am using the german version of UM so I don’t know what the english name for the taskbar addons.
There is “notification display” (Benachrichtigunsanzeige) and “full notification display” (vollständige Benachr.)
The last one does not work. You can’t put it on the task bar. It won’t show anything
I just saw Telegram also won’t show an icon in the taskbar even though it has an option for it.
Am I the only one with that problem?
But speaking in general. How do I restore a minimized window?
if I leftclick a tray icon the window will reappear. But if cant’ click it because it does not show an icon
There should be a other way to the same right? I mean come on - its freaking Linux.
You are supposed to do everything just by typing a command
Like I wrote before. You can also minimize command windows into background. But how do I reopen them?
They also don’t show up in the taskbar but you will still see them in taskmanager
I tried installing Telegram with both the Software Boutique and the Atareao-team PPA. Neither will even install for me in 17o4, but will install and work in 16o4.
I downloaded it from the telegram website. Just 2 files, unpack and run.
Software Boutique didn’t work for me either
alt+tab won’t work on that.
VLC for example is working just fine. I can click on the icon then VLC is running in the background.
It will only show again if I click the tray icon.
So besides just hoping that this will get fixed in 17.04 it is still an intersting question.
How do you get that window to show up again instead of “clicking on the tray icon” ?
btw redshift also won’t show up as tray icon - very annoying.
I can reproduce my issue with a fresh install in virtualbox.
After installing the latest updates and without changing anything else
I installed Telegram and it wont’t show an tray icon.
However you can see a very small change in the notification area, where e.g. the network icon is located.
If I go to options in Telegram and toggle “show tray icon”, the notification area will expand/shorten for
just about 1 pixel only.
I assume that there is a bug that it does not get displayed properly
Okay it really just isn't visible. If you aim correctly you can right click it to see the option menu
I think the icon is only 1pixel wide and so can't see it
I didn't try Telegram, but since you mentioned redshift as well, I decided to test it. I have somewhat different results... It shows tray icon if the panel is horizontal. But on a vertical panel there is an empty space instead (and you can right-click it). And I see that redshift-gtk package has appindicator support.
In other words, I reproduced the same problem as with nm-applet: