How to upgrade to newer Version: 16.04.1->16.04.2 / 16.10 -> 17.04

Ubuntu Mate doese a great job helping beginners to get along.
Especially “Welcome” is very handy and leads through the first steps.

A general problem, at least for me and I wasted a lot of time recently finding an answer,
is how I can upgrade my version of Ubuntu?
As far as I understood, if you are currently on 16.04.1 you will stay on that version with Kernel 4.4
until the end of LTS support
If you want to switch to the Rolling HWE Stack you have do this manually - I still don’t know how.
I only found this for 14.04LTS
but there doesn’t seem to be a explanation for 16.04LTS

Is that command still correct, since they changed the HWE system in 16.04LTS?
Is there no easy way than to search for this non-self explaining command and put it in the terminal?
In the application&update settings there is an option called
“Inform about new ubuntu-versions:” and you can choose between “LTS” and “every new version”
Has this something to do with that topic?

Just in case the only option to upgrade really is to put this horrific command in the terminal,
wouldn’t it be good to put a setting in Ubuntu Mate that makes upgrading more easy?
Maybe you could intergrate an option for that in Welcome or the Software Boutique.

I also have a notebook runnning on 16.10.
How will upgrading 16.10 to 17.04 work? (of course after it has been released in april)
What I found is putting “sudo do-release-upgrade” in terminal. Is that correct?
But still isn’t there like a popup message that says “do you want to upgrade to 17.04 now? YES/NO”
Or are non-LTS version automatically updated/upgraded after 9 month?

I hope so can bring some light into this for me

16.04.2 isn’t released, yet - it was delayed until early February.
When it’s out they will hopefully add documentation on how to enable the rolling HWE stack.

HI @boncha,

see the following links: has been updated with information on how to enable the rolling HWE stack on 16.04.2 .
I just upgraded and it went flawlessly on my system - now running kernel 4.8.0-36. :slight_smile:


How will upgrading 16.10 to 17.04 work? (of course after it has been released in april)
What I found is putting "sudo do-release-upgrade" in terminal. Is that correct?
But still isn't there like a popup message that says "do you want to upgrade to 17.04 now? YES/NO"

No need to run do-release-upgrade manually (though it's the right command), you'll get a message in the Update Manager saying that a new Ubuntu version is available and asking if you want to upgrade.

As you're on 16.10 on this laptop, your system is configured to tell you about this upgrade to a non-LTS. On your PC on 16.04, you'll probably notice that the Update Manager never asked if you wanted to upgrade to 16.10: it's because on LTS, the default setting is to propose upgrades only to the next LTS when it's released. If you want to upgrade to 16.10 on this PC, check in the system prefs → Software & Updates, you'll find the option in the Updates tab ("Notify me of a new Ubuntu version").

Or are non-LTS version automatically updated/upgraded after 9 month?

Ubuntu versions are never automatically updated to a newer one. Be sure to check and do it manually before they're unsupported.

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