I break my system, please help :) Dpi problem with Ubuntu Mate

Hi all,

I am back to Ubuntu Mate after trying some other distros. Initially I left Ubuntu mate as it was not working properly with matlab (actually all ubuntu 16.04 based distros have the same problem).

But yesterday my University provided access to newest Matlab 2016b, that should be compatible with Ubuntu 16.04 (at least that is said in the release notes).
So I reinstalled UM and tried Matlab, and but the problem is still there. So I though that could be bad font rendering, as my laptop has high screen resolution (on another laptop with lower resolution, everything seems ok).

So I entered dconf editor and in the org-mate panel changes dpi scaling from 0 to 1. As you can guess it broke my system, so that I can see anything (there is no text on labels and stuff). I cant change it back as there is no text to navigate in dconf editor, neither terminal is starting. But Matlab seems works ok :smiley:

Anyway, how can I fix this? to go to default settings?

Well I was able to solve this, by finding font resolution via control center.

But Matlab Problem is still there. I guess I will remove Ubuntu Mate at the end :confused:

Hi @Sevada,

take a look on their website!: