Intel Nuc Haswell HDMI Switching Problem

I've got 16.04 set up on Haswell Nuc. Both options are configured to HDMI under hardware and also the output tab. Mate recognizes both, no problems. You Tube and videos play fine, no problems. On reboot? It switches back to the default, no sound plays, and I have to manually reconfigure via GUI Sound tab. Not every single reboot but at this point I'm looking at roughly 35% of the time. I've already looked at:

Anyone else exhibiting this problem? Normally I wouldn't mind but this is the computer I set up for my Mom and close to flawless is where I like to run at before the "W" word gets brought up.


Broadwell doesn’t give me any trouble as far as this is concerned (also a NUC-based system).

Good to know. Perhaps the reset problem limited to the earlier generation(s) of NUC’s? I can’t find know way to save the configuration via gui. That might solve the problem.

I had access to the machine this morning. Did the updates via APT, reboot, everything is fine. Another reboot and it slips back, and I’ve got to go back in and reconfigure via GUI.

What other information do you guys need from the system to properly diagnose the issue?