31 August 2022 19:58
Good question.
Here are some links with explanations about this problem and also some workarounds:
Because they switched to a new greeter in 20.10 compatible with Ayatana Indicators and there's no GUI to change those setting yet. Reasons are mentioned in the 20.10 release notes.
There's a reason interim releases aren't LTS. They're paving the way for the next LTS, introducing new features, one at a time and things aren't expected to be perfectly polished.
You can edit the Arctica Greeter settings with:
sudo pluma /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/30_ubuntu-mate.gschema.override
Don't screw u…
Here is a perfect working solution by reverting to slick-greeter:
Some Ubuntu MATE users report incompatibilities between Ubuntu MATE 20.10 login screen and other window managers as i3. This question was asked today on AskUbuntu .
Technically it is a bug of arctica-greeter. It ignores selection of i3 and loads MATE instead.
I have reported the bug 1910279 to LaunchPad and upstream.
This bug is not only i3-related, other desktops like Xfce are affected too.
The workaround is to revert our latest change: replace Arctica Greeter back to Slick Greeter.
sudo ap…
Extra background info and some workarounds for if you want to keep using 'Arctica' greeter, in the following thread are several ways to bypass some of the problems:
Some things changed under the hood which resulted in a bug.
See this:
and this:
and the "won't fix" answer of the author.
so you have to edit a configfile manually:
sudo pluma /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/30_ubuntu-mate.gschema.override
and change the background= entry
then recompile the schemas:
sudo glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/.
This seems to be the accepted workaround for the time being.
It lacks a bit in elegance I'm afraid. But it works pretty well.