LTSP edition request

With the impending death of Edubuntu post 14.04 now more or less official with its two major contributors stepping down (there has been no 16.04 release), I was wondering whether UM devs might consider the following?

Given that the alternative Ubuntu CD (with LTSP server built in at installation) was discontinued at 12.04 and given that the only other Ubuntu distro on which LTSP is built in at installation is Edubuntu, might it be possible to make an edition of UM with LTSP built in at installation? Or, alternatively, have it built in as an installation option on the main UM ISO?

Pretty please…:slight_smile:

Personally, I think this sounds like something that should be included in the Ubuntu Minimal installation image (which is excellent and extremely underrated by the way).
So, when you boot up Ubuntu Minimal image, you could pick to install LTSP server AND whatever desktop you want Xubuntu, Ubuntu MATE, Kubuntu, whatever.
I can’t really see the inclusion of LTSP becoming a focus of Ubuntu MATE, but it’s up to the maintainers to decide. :slight_smile:

I also think that it’s likely that someone else will pick up the torch of Edubuntu. It just seems too popular to die.

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