UPDATE: Due to some strange stuff with symlinks I replaced links on gnome-look to links for github repository so people can clone themes or download zip.
tar.gz archives now available to download and extracts without errors.
theme works with compiz now
all problems with metacity fixed now
fixed colors of progress bar and some assets colors
changed gtk2 assets to be closer to gtk3 theme in MATEmbiance-Flat-Dark
If yo experience any problems in firefox text fields with MATEmbiance-Flat-Dark - go to about:config. Create a pref called widget.content.gtk-theme-override of type String, and give it a value of Ambiant-MATE.
I have an issue when trying to extract your archives using Engrampa (on UM 18.10): in the gtk-3.0 dir of both themes, there seems to be a 0 bytes file named “assets” that tries to overwrites the “assets” directory that is on the same level, which triggers an error. Also, in the Flat theme, there’s a css file with some russian in its name (is it supposed to be gtk-dark.css?).
I can extract the files manually by avoiding the assets file but any idea if there’s an issue with the archives or with Engrampa?
To extract each theme manually, create a directory with the name of the theme, open the archive and manually extract everything except gtk-3.0, then create a dir named gtk-3.0, go inside it in the archive and extract everything in it except the “assets” file that weighs 0 bytes.
I do not know why this erroe appairs. I have it too. Do you know how to fix this when creating archive?
Meanwhile i will upload them to github so people can clone them without archiving.
I was able to extract as intructed in post # 6. I placed folder under /usr/share/icons. Changed permissions, just like I have done with different themes, re-booted, but theme does not show when attempting to change themes. Is there something else I am missing.
/usr/share/icons (or ~/.local/share/icons) is for icon themes. For GTK themes, like the ones from brokoli, you have to put them in /usr/share/themes (or ~/.local/share/themes).
Thanks, but now I am even more confused. Yesterday I mistakenly put themes in the icon directory. I was able to see those themes. Don’t know why and I know many won’t believe me. Anyway I was trying a couple of the suru plus themes yesterday. Then this morning they were no longer available. After your last post I moved the suru plus, suru mate dark, and the new manually extracted MATEmbiance-Flat-Dark themes to the theme directory. Now only the MATEmbiance-Flat-Dark shows as an optional theme (in addition to stock themes). I must be doing something wrong with those other themes.
I’m not sure what you’re doing but maybe you’re confusing icon and GTK themes. AFAIK, Suru is an icon theme, so it should appear only when put in /usr/share/icons (or ~/.icons or ~/.local/share/icons). Some designers create complete themes (GTK + icons) and release each part with the same name that you have to put in the right place. Maybe that’s the case you had and you mistakenly extracted both parts in the same place, getting a “Suru” dir with GTK and icons mixed up instead of getting a “Suru” dir that you have to put in icons and a different “Suru” dir that you have to put in themes?
I see no sense to do this because there is Suru++ 20 theme( which i used as base for the dark one, because the dark one of this author was not updated for some time).
So does it matter what Windows Manager I choose choose, CompuWiz or Macro variant?
It shouldn't.
@brokoli: that was the case years ago when Compiz was usually paired with Emerald for the windows decorations but nowadays (and especially on Ubuntu MATE), it should use the Metacity themes just fine. Maybe there are issues with specific themes that I don't know of, though.