Mate-indicator- why is it using so many resources?

Thanks for doing this. Once a day is fine. Not sure why killall didn't work for you, my killall was
killall mate-indicator-

  • but I'm sure the one you scripted is better! So if I add it to the cron, the script will be called "" ?

tried that script. It kills the panel but leaves the option to reload it, it doesn't restart on its own

Yeah, I found that out too. I am seeing if it can be restarted from the command line.

This is still an issue after doing a fresh install.

Still happening. About 1% increase in CPU usage each day. Has anyone else got this same problem with the mate-indicator-applet consuming a lot of resources?

I forget. Did we decide not to try this? Have you happened to figure out a way to suppress the restart indicator panel?

Can anyone please post the CPU usage for mate-indicator-appelet? I am still working on solving the issue with it on my pc. It is my last paper cut type problem with Ubuntu MATE. I rarely reboot. If you don't reboot often, I'd be interested in seeing the resources that it uses on your rig.

Hi not sure if this is what you are looking for on my UM22.04.1 if not post and I will see if I have your CPU usage screenshot.

Edit: System has been up 24/7 since 16 Nov 2022

thanks! I see the mate-indicator is taking 0% of CPU. Do you reboot or shutdown daily?

Nope generally only with software updates that require restarting the computer. It's usually on all the time and last time had to do multiple reboots was checking issue with custom familiar panel and since switching to custom traditional my issue with panel icons missing has been resolved.

Thank you for your information

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just letting you know, that after yet another fresh install (new iso and also confirmed the integrity of it), this issue is persisting. I know it may be strange as if you don't leave your pc on like I do, you may not notice this issue. (Like my laptop, which is used much less and it's suspended when not in use)... I leave my desktop running as I am into distributed computing (BOINC). Every 3 days or so I have to kill the mate-indicator-applet-complete as the CPU% will climb approximately .5% each day...

also curious, does anyone here leave Ubuntu MATE running 24/7/365?

As above just checked and still fine on my box.
Dates of my reboots
Kernel Linux 5.15.0-52-generic x86_64 24 Oct 2022
Kernel Linux 5.15.0-53-generic x86_64 16 Nov 2022
Kernel Linux 5.15.0-56-generic x86_64 01 Dec 2022
Kernel Linux 5.15.0-57-generic x86_64 06 Jan 2023
Kernel Linux 5.15.0-58-generic x86_64 12 Jan 2023
Note: Not running distributed computing.
Here are a couple of links:

This is another older that mentions BOINC:

Another thought would it be possible to not launch one program at a time in a slow period of use to see if one might be causing a memory leak.


Are you saying you do a fresh install and nothing else? And CPU usage creeps up? If so, then I would be suspecting hardware issues.

If you add software after fresh install then I would look at your software.

I run MATE 24/7 as my OS for a Next Cloud server and don't see the symptoms you report.

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weird new install, media and computer - same problem. Only common denominator is me, I guess

It may be happening on some other users pc's. Depending upon whether they leave PC on and reboot only when necessarily. Right now UM has been up since Jan 10th

any news on this bug? I noticed my bug report on Launchpad has been moved or removed, maybe its resolved in a later version and they aren't going to fix it in 22.04?

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It might be possible that they can't reproduce the bug.
I also can't reproduce it and I have my system regularly running for days on end (see stats below).

These are my indicator settings:

Session:       enabled
Date and time: disabled
Sound:         enabled
Power:         disabled
Messages:      disabled
Bluetooth:     not available
Notifications: enabled
Keyboard:      enabled


15:30:01 up 8 days, 14:32,  1 user,  load average: 0,15, 0,17, 0,17

ps -o pcpu,cmd -C mate-indicator-

0.0 /usr/lib/mate-indicator-applet/mate-indicator-applet-complete

So maybe it is something in one of the indicators that your computer is running and my computer is not running

Sorry that I can't be more specific, I do hope that this narrows the search down a bit.

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I've been experiencing this bug for months now too. At some times, mate-indicator-applet-complete will consume a lot of cpu resources, and it helps my system be more responsive to kill and restart the applet. I've been trying to pin down more details and a more precise repro, but it seems to be related to some other app generating a lot of activity, either filesystem or notification events. It seems to lag when downloading a large file in chrome. Dropbox client also seems to generate a lot of events, and might be a contributing factor on my system. Hoping that maybe updates in 23.10 will help :crossed_fingers: (currently 22.04)


Hi, @mickee (Brian Bogdan) :slight_smile:

You've asked:

The only thing that I can say is that I've found your bug report on Launchpad at "Bug #1998052 “mate-indicator-applet-complete uses increasing amount of CPU” : Bugs : mate-indicator-applet package" - :