Mate on a Tuxedo laptop (BU1506)

I just ordered a german Tuxedo computer, which comes with Linux preinstalled, and I selected Ub. Mate 16.04 LTS 64Bit.
Are there people here with an experience on Tuxedo computers?
(their website is over there)

My laptop is a Dell, but welcome to our forums :grin:

Hi Herve, I don’t have experience of this laptop but it U Mate works really well on my HP 255 G3 which isn’t exactly high end. Mind I have swapped out the old iron disk and now have a sporty ssd plus increased ram. Actually this is my first post here so I won’t say welcome but hello!! :wink:


Hallo Herve5

Yes, I have a Tuxedo desktop (silent) computer. My main machine. It may be the first one they ever installed Ubuntu-Mate on, back before they offered it as a pre-installed option. :slight_smile:

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Thanks Alpinejohn -this raises my level of confidence :smiley: -I understand they’ll ship the machine next Tueday; I expect an intense couple of days. I’ll probably come back here with various questions!

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Hallo Herve5

What news from the new machine… :penguin:

Hello AlpineJohn,
I’m writing this on the machine right now :slight_smile:
With just a couple of days of use I can say the Mate version preinstalled is ‘working’ as expected.
The main issues I have at this moment is rather the migration from my old Apple applications to linux counterparts (with such questions as ‘what could be the app for handling my paper books library with more than 1000 titles and comments’…), much less with Mate and hardware.
What I can say is visibly all the present hardware is neatly supported (all interfaces, both internal SSDs…); the main burden coming from my incompetence in adding drivers (printers…) and these apps not prepackaged in the Ubuntu standard distribution. So as you can see more of a beginner issue than hardware related :slight_smile:
By the way I posted a description of the hardware on the forum here

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