My desktop today

Hi @Fall66 :slight_smile:
Whoaaa, im installing it right now :slight_smile:

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ubuntuMATE + ubuntu Gnome Desktop + Arc Menu (Dash to dock option) = still similar ubuntu

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Hey. I don't want to be a wanker or cheeky. I'm not even British, but still, I want to be respectful. But I must share something. A desktop shortcoming I fell victim to for 29 years until I switched from Mac to Windows 10. It was a thing that once I saw it -- I couldn't unsee it.

Picture yourself in a nice restaurant somewhere. You're with friends or family and you want someone to take a really nice picture. Just before they snap the pic someone says, "Wait!" and they run off, run back with a trash can, and place in on a nearby table so that it's in view. I'm hoping if you're like me you'd say, hey, what's with the trashcan. Lose the trashcan.

I was using OS X for ages. And I realized I wanted the Mac trash can -- as nice looking as it is -- GONE. When I switched to Windows I learned everybody and their brother proudly put 'the recycle bin' (TRASH CAN!) prominently top left. I heard horror stories about Windows but one thing it could do that Mac wouldn't let you do?

Lose the trash can.

Seriously. It's already in Caja, right? It will make your handsome desktops look better. If you still don't believe me -- do you see anything wrong with this picture?

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this distro is the tshi


Very simple, great work.

Still simple :sunglasses:

Wallpaper is from a 2015 thread on this forum : Desktop wallpapers for anyone who wants a copy
WM Theme is 'Traditional Green'
Icons are the beautiful 'Radiant Mate'
Font is 'Roboto'


Hi everyone,
I am keeping this style of desktop on my Mate. However wallpaper depends on the mood.


Where is this 'steel mate' image available ?



I don't remember where I got it from. Now I found it only in this resolution:


Snap in a Snap !
Not a desktop. This is the 'bashtop' snap running in a 'cool-retro-term' snap ...


Just want to share my current desktop :slight_smile: :penguin:


Plain, simple, effective. As it should be.

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An update for the simplicity (On the top right and left)!

Picture taken September 2019 on Usedom, Baltic Sea, when I saw my parents the last time before Covid hit.

Arc theme and Obsidian icon set.


very very beautiful!

screenshot is Linux Mint, not Ubuntu Mate.

This sure looks like Linux Mint. Panel bar even has the mint logo.



Topic of the screenshots category:

This is the place to share your epic Ubuntu MATE screenshots.

If you’ve created a slick Ubuntu MATE desktop setup and want to share a screenshot also consider posting details of the backgrounds, icons and themes you’ve used.

It's not that you cannot be part of this community, it's just not the right place to share Linux MINT screenshots.

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Not surprisingly as we have Compiz, we can use its great Annotate plugin on Ubuntu MATE 20.04 LTS:

Details exist in my answer on AskUbuntu.