It's nothing much, but just putting up my Halloween desktop setup while it's still vaguely relevant...
Time to go back to something more colourful, I think!
It's nothing much, but just putting up my Halloween desktop setup while it's still vaguely relevant...
There is another feature that I love about Winamp's small foot print. It maintains most of it's controls in that tiny footprint. I'm not sure if there are many applications that I could use this feature - except playing music. The only issue I have found is that placing the tiny player in the title bar crashes wine. Here are some screen grabs all minimized, and just the player + their control functions.
One more aside about the MATE desktop because if we carry on any further this topic is going to become split; there are (very) basic player controls in the volume panel. Left-click and you'll see them with a native player running, if all which concerns you is pause / play, next track and previous track. I also think the volume control panel will pick up on whatever the player's media is and put it there but I am not so certain about that.
I wonder, why are you concerned about Caja? For me Caja works ok with i3.
Holy smokes!!! Wow!!
That is one sharp looking background!!
Just an incredible job!
Beauty in simplicity. But I would honestly pair that with a dark orange theme and some dark-ish orange icons.
A post was split to a new topic: Changing menu bar color and start logo?
Basic. I envy you; I hate light themes with passion, but if that's what you like, fantastic.
If you install gksu
to get numix-folders
working you can further customize how your Numix folder icons look. I take it that's default Numix Blue?
Didn't you share this already? Or is the only change literally the Christmas tree?
Nice! Going for them OS X feels I see.
Just upgraded to 20.04 LTS on my mid 2007 MacBook - runs better than 18.04, and 19.10 actually snappy
Hi @jmarkus,
it is possible to customize default clock indicator via dconf-editor and get rid of duplicate clock in upper panel.
Thank you Ironfoot. A few upgrades ago I had trouble getting a 12 hour clock setting instead of 24. (I think it was somewhere between 16.04 and 18.04). Back then I was dual booting MATE and Freya. I used gparted to copy just the 18.04 partition to this hard drive, and fixed grub. I think the upgrade 20.04 may have messed that panel up, and I hadn't noticed. So, i tossed the panel and put it back together again. I cleaned it up a bit, and the desktop.