Please, what is the name of the windows theme and the icons theme that you used in these pictures?
I found 2 old screenshots of my desktop when i was arround 20.
My evolution was something like :
Ubuntu 5.10 (I have the original CD)
Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (also I have the original CD)
Next my curiosity brought me to Kubuntu with KDE and BackTrack with some XandrOS on eee701
Xubuntu 12.04 and Windows at work - (i was doing a internship in a company that uses only MS software)
Ubuntu MATE 16.04 fresh install, next upgrade to 16.10 and next to 17.04
Ubuntu MATE 18.04 firesh install going to 18.10, 19.04, 19.10
Ubuntu MATE 20.04 (now)
I don't have the exact year of this screenshots but based on what i was playing with, matches with 2010 / 2012..
Playing with my desktop to make it look like the forthcoming Trisquel 9.0 distribution ! I like the layout of Trisquel desktop, pretty classical but very usable :
Not my desktop, but my boot screen. I like it because it let's people peeking know I am not using Windows.
Wow ! Nice one ! Do you have a link for the wallpaper ?
ditto - where did you get that background?!?!
More customizable than GNOME Shell that's for sure.
Thanks!. I was working on the logo and tried it with a background that's not mine. I have posted a wallpaper with the final design of the logo (Artwork section). Not blue, by the way.
I made it, but only the logo that was a work in progress. I've released a wallpaper with the final design.
I really like the 90's/early 2000's Mac OS vibes on this one.