My desktop today

Like your wallpaper !! :wink:

Very very nice looking !

Which theme is that?

Panel layout: Traditional
Theme: Traditional
Background image: rolling slides using Variety (45 images I've selected)

Nothing fancy


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I also use Traditional with the traditional OK theme, with Mate Icons, the only difference Is I keep the taskbar on the bottom, with no top bar.

Window controls? Also traditioal?

Yes, I prefer traditional. I hate Docks.

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Windows control are separate from Theme.
I simply made the buttons appear on the right side.


How my desktop looks like.


Thanks! It's very nice of you to say so.

My desktop currently.
Looks clean.


Got inspired by @qwertyuiopasdfghjklz and customized UM 18.04 32bit on a Thinkpad X40 with 1Gb of ram into a vintage ubuntu 6.04
Do you guys remember this video that was included in your home directory ?


It's amazing how possible it is to customize Ubuntu MATE and taste the same experience that we got as kids after so many years :ubuntu_mate: :mate:


Do you have any info on where is the Ubuntu 4.10 theme? (the one with the boxy windows and controls)

You could try getting the iso of 4.10, run it as a VM, then find the theme files in /usr/share/themes, gzip them as tars, then transfer them over to your newer MATE.

@BioHazard is right :slight_smile:

I saw some of them here :

I will download it too to have some system sounds

Here comes themes / icons and so on from the 6.04 ubuntu :slight_smile:
I took :
backgrounds icons images sounds themes

The 4.10 is still installing ... it do not have live boot, will post it too asap :slight_smile:

Here it is : (I suffered as in proxmox the mouse on this old 2004 ubuntu is not working and shortcuts do not open terminal xD)


This was my take on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Hardy Haron a while ago with Ubuntu MATE 20.04 LTS:


Here is mine, I know it isn't as fancy as others' are, but here it is.



As long as it is taylored to your workflow, it is cool.
You can do whatever you want with your desktop. It's the magic of MATE.
Nice Yaru MATE theme, btw. 21.04 cannot come soon enough.


Personally I like "not fancy" myself, I find a busy desktop hard to use. Plain and simple is the best for me. KIS (keep it simple) principle.

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