New default layout in Ubuntu MATE 18.04

MATE on Debian is great, with Stable getting access to 1.18 it is the most stable MATE release I’ve tried besides Oldstable. That said, some UM defaults have begun encroaching into Debian. Nothing spectacular (just yet) but still troubling.

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It works quite well on the Raspberry Pi.

Looking back at my last post to @stevecook172001 it seems to appear as if I was suggesting that if he didn’t like the current UM scheme, maybe he should go elsewhere. That was certainly not what I was suggesting. Steve, I apologize if you felt that was my intent.

I was however trying convey that there are so many options with Linux, even to the point of building your own desktop environment from the ground up, which is something I believe Steve could do.


Don’t worry Steven, I didn’t think you were implying that. And you are right, I can and have built my own setup out of off the shelf parts.

Wow, as someone returning to the Linux community after a long hiatus (I remember the original Slackware and Red Hat releases) I can see that the big/little-endian type attitudes are still very prevalent. One can only imagine what could be accomplished if only other more important topics received the kind of participation that this one has.

As for default layouts, my two cents… It matters very little what the default is. I always customize mine anyway. I suspect that most here do too to one extent or another. It takes only moments to switch between the packaged layouts and only slightly longer to roll your own and save it as a new custom layout to which you can always return. That’s the beauty of the MATE environment. How can anyone expect more than that?

I’d also like to take this opportunity to thank @Wimpy for a fine distro. I am really impressed with how well it works on older/limited hardware and that I can use the same distro on intel and ARM for a common look and feel across all my non-Windows devices. Currently running the 18.04 Beta 1 and it’s stability has been quite impressive.

Thanks again, @Wimpy !


Wow, I'd really appreciate if you could expand on what you mean by "..big/little-endian type attitudes.." being "...still very prevalent...."


I could be wrong but the text parses to 'stop caring about stuff I don't care about and start caring about stuff I care about' when I read it. But like I said, I could be wrong...

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I for one having read the dialogue in detail see no occurrence of hostility and instead see those I would only consider UM patrioits being battered down for voicing an opinion that differs.

People are as people were. What also hasn’t changed is the tendency to project ourselves into everything that we sense, so the experience can become somewhat blurred.

I’m afraid there will be no end to @stevecook172001 having to set people straight on what really happened.

And no amount of effort to silence discussion should be viewed as a positive thing.


It would really help if the people who 'don't really care about the new layout' would stop feeling the need to revise history. Maybe then stevecook172001 wouldn't feel the need to repeat himself so much?

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Well, yes. Quite so.

To clarify my post (that wasn’t really addresed to anyone in particular other than Wimpy in order to thank him for a great distro), I learned a long time ago that the world rarely works the way I think it should. I don’t often get my way, the explanation for why I didn’t get my way is often incomplete and unsatisfying, and “setting the record straight” is mostly an exercise in futility.

Since I passed the age of 12 and realized these things, I have found that when presented with a gift horse it is best to either accept it or reject it, but looking it in the mouth rarely results in a desirable outcome. Neither does stubborn pursuit of an otherwise moot point. I hope that clarifies my post for those who have seem to have chosen to own it as addressed to them.


On that positive note, I’m electing to close this discussion.