Normal size icon for Steam

It would be nice to have a decent size indicator icon for steam in the default icon theme. At this point you need to change icon themes to make it a normal size.

Note: I would be up to giving it a shot if someone could point me in the right direction?


Ok, I pulled the artwork from github, now I just need to figure out which folder the indicator icons go?

So i fixed it on my own machine, I actually just used the indicator icons from the papirus theme, added the folder to /usr/share/icon/Ambient-MATE …

The next question is, would it be reasonable to use this folder or a few icons from it to advance the stock icon theme… all are open source. Or would it be bad manners?

If the icons are appropriately licensed they can be added to the Ubuntu MATE icon pack and we’d reflect copyright attribution in the packaging.

Ok @Wimpy I will check the license.

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If needed, I have proper Steam indicator icons for Ambiant / Radiant (as well as a few others). It’d be better if they could be added to the Ubuntu Mono theme from which MATE depends, though, but I’m not sure where to offer to add them.

EDIT: I’ve just checked the Papirus theme and the icons don’t match the design of the Ubuntu Mono indicators. Mine do.

EDIT: put them there if you want to check or include them in MATE themes:
Note: they’re in ubuntu-mono-dark and ubuntu-mono-light folders but they can be put instead in Ambiant-MATE and Radiant-MATE.


That for posting that @terzag :slight_smile: I’ll include those in 18.04.