Hi, I just did a fresh install of Ubuntu Mate on my pi2.
Naturally not long after first booting the OS, software updater appeared with some updates totalling 200MB or so. I have over 4GB free on my SD card.
BUT, when trying to install the updates I get an error saying that there is not enough free disk space to update on disk /boot. I opened the “boot” folder and it only shows 44MB of free space available.
What is wrong here, this is a brand-new fresh install ???
It's because there are two different partitions on the card, one is PI_ROOT which is mounted at /, and the other is PI_BOOT and is mounted at /boot.
It's been widely discussed:
It seems to be a problem with Software Updater, which doesn't take into consideration that it's not a desktop image, /boot on a Raspberry Pi doesn't need the amount of space then that of the desktop version.
A workaround is to upgrade through Synaptic, or through the terminal:
Thanks. I see this issue has been around since 16.04 was launched for the Pi. I’m surprised it hasn’t been fixed yet. At least it works through terminal.