I downloaded some mac themes from the suggested website on the mate themes place.
The theme applet would not select the themes I downloaded.
and when copied the themes manually to the .themes directory (and once to usr/share/themes), they also did not work. I had the theme listed in the Theme applet, but it had a question mark and would not work when I clicked on it.
I see this link here..
and noticed that only gtk2 themes are supported.
If there is a way to install these gtk3 themes, please let me know.
Maybe someone should file a "usability" bug and request that the applet point one to gtk2 themes with a warning too.
Both fail.
Also, installing does not allow selection of zip files…I can use “all files” and see the zip, but then it will not install that way. I tried by copying, but as I said before… get the question mark icon.
Most of 16.04 is built on GTK2 with some programs that are GTK3, so there is compatibility if the theme supports GTK2 themes too (which OSX-Arc-White does).
I got OSX-Arc-White to work by clicking on Customise… and choosing the different parts of the theme – the controls and window border. The window border didn’t work under Compiz, but it does under Marco.