It's amazing how good are yad windows being handled is window manager in 17.10
I made this bash script for pulse volume control for xfce desktop but undecorated windows are hard to position. On openbox it's even more comlicated because it's not focusing that kind of windows and some extra steps with devilspie are needed. On mate-desktop it works preety well so far.
The slider in the tray goes only to 100%., this he pseudo-tray application can go over the top up to 150%. You can change that in the script but be carefull not to damage the speakers by oversimplifying.
Required packages: yad, xdotool, notify-send, pulseaudio-utils
bash script to set the pulseaudio volume
via yad UI - author Misko_2083
ERR(){ echo "ERROR: $1" 1>&2; }
declare -i DEPCOUNT=0
for DEP in /usr/bin/{xdotool,yad,pactl,pacmd,notify-send}; {
[ -x "$DEP" ] || {
ERR "$LINENO Dependency '$DEP' not met."
[ $DEPCOUNT -eq 0 ] || exit 1
export YAD_PULSE=$(mktemp -u --tmpdir YAD_PULSE.XXXXXXXX)
mkfifo "$YAD_PULSE"
trap "rm -f $YAD_PULSE" EXIT
set window class
Unmap the window if the script is relaunched
pids="$(xdotool search --class "$YAD_CLASS")"
wpid="$(xdotool getwindowfocus)"
for pid in $pids; do
# Compares window class pid with the pid of a window in focus
if [[ "$pid" == "$wpid" ]]; then
xdotool windowunmap $pid
exit 1
SINK="$(pacmd list-sinks | awk '/* index: [0-9]+/{ print $3 }')"
current volume snippet taken
from pulseaudio-ctl
by graysky [email protected], licensed under MIT
CURVOL="$(pacmd list-sinks | grep -A 15 '* index' | awk '/volume: /{ print $3 }' | grep -m 1 % | sed 's/[%|,]//g')"
[ -n "$CURVOL" ] || CURVOL="$(pacmd list-sinks | grep -A 15 '* index' | awk '/volume: front/{ print $5 }' | sed 's/[%|,]//g')"
[ -n "$CURVOL" ] || CURVOL=100
#printf "Current volume: %3d%%\n" "$CURVOL"
#printf "\rVolume: %3d%%" "$CURVOL"
#pactl set-sink-volume "$SINK" "$CURVOL%"
yad --scale
--text=" Volume Control "
--min-value=0 --max-value=150
--value="$CURVOL" 2> /dev/null |
while read VOL; do
set_notification_icon $(printf "%3d" "$VOL")
pactl set-sink-volume "$SINK" "$VOL%"
export -f yad_pulse_audio
function set_notification_icon
if [[ "$1" -ge "68" ]]; then
echo "icon:audio-volume-high-panel"
elif [[ "$1" -ge "34" && "$1" -lt "68" ]]; then
echo "icon:audio-volume-medium-panel"
elif [[ "$1" -ge "1" && "$1" -lt "34" ]]; then
echo "icon:audio-volume-low-panel"
elif [[ "$1" -lt "1" ]]; then
echo "icon:audio-volume-low-zero-panel"
echo "tooltip:Volume $1 %"
echo "menu:Sound Settings!mate-volume-control!sound-preferences|About!sh -c 'notify-send -i notification-audio-volume-high -t 8000 "Pulseaudio Volume Control" "by Misko_2083"'!gtk-about||Quit!quit!gtk-quit"
export -f set_notification_icon
exec 3<> $YAD_PULSE
yad --notification --command="bash -c 'yad_pulse_audio >$YAD_PULSE'"
--listen <&3 & notifpid=$!
until xdotool getwindowname $(xdotool search --pid "$notifpid" | tail -1) &>/dev/null; do
# sleep until the window opens
sleep 0.5
SINK="$(pacmd list-sinks | awk '/* index: [0-9]+/{ print $3 }')"
current volume snippet taken
from pulseaudio-ctl
by graysky [email protected], licensed under MIT
CURVOL="$(pacmd list-sinks | grep -A 15 '* index' | awk '/volume: /{ print $3 }' | grep -m 1 % | sed 's/[%|,]//g')"
[ -n "$CURVOL" ] || CURVOL="$(pacmd list-sinks | grep -A 15 '* index' | awk '/volume: front/{ print $5 }' | sed 's/[%|,]//g')"
[ -n "$CURVOL" ] || CURVOL=100
set_notification_icon $(printf "%3d" "$CURVOL") >&3
Waits for notification to exit
wait $notifpid
exec 3>&-
exit 0[/code]
*Note - The script uses the icons from default icon theme Ambiant-MATE