Special thanks to user Tae'Tarthe#1082 from Linux Enthusiast Group for this solution.
In the absence of a built package, users for a good long while could install a copy of pulseaudio-equalizer-ladspa
3.0.2. Rather than boring you with a long and tedious detail of packages to install, this one is going to be quick.
Removal of webupd8 build
If you already have the older version of Pulseaudio Equalizer per my previous instructions, you'll probably want to get rid of it. To perform this optional series of events:
sudo apt-mark unhold pulseudio-equalizer
sudo apt remove -y pulseaudio-equalizer
sudo apt -y autoremove
If you don't need the webupd8 sources anymore, also get rid of those in /etc/apt/sources.list.d
and run sudo apt update
Regardless of your current state, or whether you kept the older version of pulseaudio-equalizer, you can use the latest version by Saving this script as a file in your home, and sudo cmhod +x
the file to make it executable:
sudo apt update
sleep 5
echo '=== Installing dependencies ==='
sudo apt install -y libglib2.0-dev-bin swh-plugins python3-pip git meson
sleep 3
echo '=== Configuring build dependencies ==='
sudo python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
# This was originally an arrangement of messages about waiting for things to "Cool". No idea if the sleep is even necessary.
sleep 9
echo "=== Fetching programme source ==="
git clone https://github.com/pulseaudio-equalizer-ladspa/equalizer.git
echo '=== Making programme ==='
cd ./equalizer
sleep 1
meson build
sleep 4
cd ./build
sleep 4
sleep 4
ninja install
sleep 1
echo '=== Finished. ==='
Once done, execute $HOME/equallizer/build/bin/pulseaudio-equalizer
and make any changes you want. Works similarly to the GTK2 version, of which its instructions I've retired myself from maintaning still work to this day.