Remember Remembering?

I love the attention to detail Mate brings so maybe this isn’t so nit-picky. But it certainly belongs in the “polish” or “finesse” section. I’m still running 14.04 daily and been testing a VM that started at 16.04 alpha 1 and I’m looking forward to the first official LTS!

The topic is remembering things and I’ll list 2 examples I see all the time…

  1. The Weather panel-applet used to remember its window size. Now, the forecast is always chopped off and in need of adjustment. In Ubuntu 10.04 I sized for a larger radar map and it always remembered perfectly.

  2. Pluma used to remember the last saved cursor location of a file. That’s handy! In 14.04 it does, sort of, but not reliably. In 16.04 the feature seems to be gone completely.

They say memory is the 2nd thing to go… but I can’t remember the 1st… :slightly_smiling:

All Comments Welcomed and TIA!

Hi v3xx, nice effect! I’m a long time conky user but it’s getting out of hand: :slightly_smiling:

Even though I’m a big compiz user, too, I made sure basic Marco didn’t get them back. I’m not even sure where they were kept.

Nice :slightly_smiling: I’m running 16o4 and bounce back and forth between the two WMs. My cube Is a bit plain compared to yours, but I really don’t use it. When people want to see what a linux install looks like, the cube usually is the first thing I show them. People are just dazzled by this and I am immediately given wizard status :grin: