Replace Telegram with Cutegram in welcome

Hey @Wimpy. I don’t know if your aware of this one, (i think it was mentioned on Linux Unplugged or Action) but I thought we may consider using Cutegram instead of Telegram in the Ubuntu-MATE Welcome.

I’m not sure if the Official Telegram app is open source . But I’ve been using Cutegram for a few weeks and it’s pretty good. The only issue I have is the tray applet is moody about when it shows up.

Either way, thought I should mention it. …just checked and saw official client is GPL3 …so I guess it would be up to which is better.

I’m aware of cutegram. The Ubuntu Touch version of Telegram is a cutegram derivative. Last time I looked the cutegram deb didn’t work with 15.10 or 16.04 dev.

If someone could engage with them and request a repository or PPA for current Ubuntu then I’d happily add it to Ubuntu MATE Welcome :slight_smile:

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I will work on it… or maybe I could make one. No time like the present to learn building packages and managing ppas :wink:

@Wimpy they actually do have a ppa. It doesn’t have a package for wiley though.

Do you have any updates regarding Cutegram? @LinuxHippie
I came across this thread because Telegram appears to be blocked at my present location and I am looking for a good alternative. A PPA for 16.04 has been requested but there is no answer yet. I have also started a new thread about my Telegram connection problems in Ubuntu MATE 16.04.

I have in my 4 computers Telegram and going great, I have not tried Cutegram, so can not comment.
I use the one with the official website, and has GPL v3 and is in Git Hub,
