Self rearranging applets on panel after reboot

It's not a big problem, but it kind of drives me crazy. When I reboot my applets rearrange themselves on my panel. They are all locked, and some but not all have separators between them. I am using 24.04 LTS but this is not a new problem it occurred on earlier versions too. It also happens on both my main System 76 and alternative Dell laptop I use as for only music.
Anyone know why this happens or how to stop it from happening?

before reboot
my preference

after reboot
after rebooting.

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I can confirm that the issue is two or three LTS versions old.


Is it a Ubuntu issue or a Mate desktop issue? I guess I will just have to live with it.

Have you saved your panel layout as a "named preference", and set that named preference as your preferred choice for layout? That can be done using MATEtweak.

Also, the saved panel layout is stored in


The file will be named


Within that file, you have the items flagged as top or bottom using lines showing




There will be a corresponding file


"Panels" are originally a Gnome functionality, where it is inherently limited to a single panel. So, handling of individual "applets" on the panel may be a Gnome-derivative.

However, depending on how the UbuntuMATE has evolved the code for handling the existence and definition of multiple panels, it is likely that the code for "mate-panel" is the source of the issue.

That code is located here.

But having said all that, you can look at the very useful info and guidance provided here. Basically, copy your named preference layout file to

cp  {assignedName}-tweak.layout  default.layout

and that makes it permanent! :slight_smile:

---- edit ----

There is also an informative posting on the LinuxMINT forum regarding additional stuctural details and admin actions which may or may not be applicable to UbuntuMATE.


No I had not saved the layout this time, but I had before and it seemed not to help. I only ever use one panel and at the bottom. But I went ahead and saved it as you indicate and will see if it works. The code and script stuff is beyond my limited ability. Thanks!

Definitely a MATE issue :slight_smile:


Hi, @mendy1 you're still welcome to the Ubuntu MATE Community!