[Solved] Preview images in Caja

Hi, I have a strange problem with Caja.
Caja preview files only in super user mode. If I open Caja as a normal user, only the names are displayed. Solutions to the problem?
Thank you.

I followed the post suggestions: Caja only shows images and icons preview when root but it didn't work.

I would recommend to check file permissions and owner of the cache and thumbnlails folders:

ls -ld ~/.cache/
ls -ld ~/.cache/thumbnails/

Both commands should report something like:

drwx------ 1 username username

If you have root root here, then you need to take own of these folders with commands:

sudo chown -R $USER: ~/.cache/
sudo chown -R $USER: ~/.cache/thumbnails/

and then restart Caja with caja -q .


Thank you, solved. :slightly_smiling_face:

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