Some problems with Acer Aspire ONE D150-1 Bk and UBUNTU MATE

Hi, I installed Ubuntu MATE 16.04.01 LTS on a netbook, Acer Aspire ONE D150-1 Bk and I have two issues:

  1. when I turn off my netbook, the netbook doesn’t turn off, but it goes to standby mode, so I need to press the ON button, the pc restarts and again click on the icon to turn off the pc, and my netbook goes OFF, same thing when i turn it ON, i press the On button, and after the bios message, the PC goes to standby mode, I need to press again the ON button and only after this procedure, the PC turns ON, so what’s the problem?
    I also noticed that when I turn off my PC, the screen goes all black and it appears only a line that says something like " dev/sda1 clean , xxxxxx bytes, xxxx bytes " something like this … This wording is a result of a “fsck”?, … can be reconnected to my problem?

For this Problem I try this “fix” :

  • I try with a “shutdown -h now” command and the PC turns OFF normally ;
  • also checked my power management settings in System -> Preferences -> Hardware -> Power Management and set all the options to " Never " or " Do Nothing ", but I have the same problem;
  • In System -> Preferences -> Hardware -> Power Management -> General I set " When press the ON button -> " Turn OFF the PC " and when i press the ON button, my PC goes OFF normally,… but why the PC behaves this way?..what’s the problem?
  1. Sometimes when I turn on my PC the Wi-Fi card doesn’t show any wireless network, so I need to open a terminal and issue the following comand: " sudo service network-manager restart " ,after this command the Wi-Fi starts to work well, why I need to do this, why the Wi-Fi card sometimes doesn’t show any wireless network?

For this Problem I try this “fix” :

  • here is the output of the command " sudo systemctl status network-manager ", performed after switching on the PC and before restarting the “service network-manager” —>


Seems you're not the only one with that problem:

@ouroumov Thanks for the notice.

@MATE1 Thanks for the suggestions. I will try your suggestions and report back.

In System -> Preferences -> Hardware -> Power Management -> General I set " When press the ON button -> " Turn OFF the PC " and when i press the ON button, my PC goes OFF normally,.... but why the PC behaves this way?..what's the problem?

This worked for me. Now we need a solution for powering on as the system, as the system goes in to standby mode 2 or 3 times each time I boot from the power off state

Hello, I solved these two problems by updating the BIOS of my netbook to the latest version, I downloaded the bios from the Acer site and after the installation, the problems have been resolved.
If you need instructions on how to update the BIOS, I can provide further info.


Mine is the D150 as well. I found BIOS_Acer_1.09_Windows. I removed XP when I installed MATE. It seems I will need to find an old DOS disk, boot to DOS and execute KAV10.BAT. But before I begin, I will take any advice you have.

Update: I just noticed I did not delete the original XP. Updated Bios by running KAV10109.exe.

Now my Acer Aspire ONE D150 boots, restarts, and shuts down as expected.

Yes, for update the BIOS without Windows, I had to download FreeDOS, create a bootable usb pen with that and then running the ".bat" file, not the ".exe" file,..I think this is the only method to update the BIOS without deleting Ubuntu..

Perfect :slight_smile: