When using some themes they appear with a Large question mark and and lightened out, and when selected a yellow alert states it needs the Adwaita desktop manager. I am running Compiz right now. Can this Manager be downloaded or are the themes i installed causing the problem. Installed ARC,Ceti, Candra and Vertex.
I’ve seen this behaviour before, but states it’s missing the Adwaita icon or theme. Are you sure it reads “Adwaita desktop manager”, since there are zero search results?
Assuming that the theme is MATE-Compatible, the Adwaita theme (gnome-themes-standard) needs to be installed, part of the GNOME themes:
Checked synaptic and gnome-themes-standard is installed. Did a reinstall still no luck?
Also uninstalled the custom themes to set Mate themes to default, with no luck.
Could this be a bug? Adding themes should not break the default themes?
System is usable though.
I checked out my vidio driver and that seems fine. My destop is now back to default for the most part, and is usable. I just will be unable to use the Adwaita theme, mabe a fix will come later. Don’t think we should waste anymore time on this. Thanks to all of you.