Tilda vs mate terminal

What is the difference between these two?

Both are terminals powered by Bash (including the console and SSH) - they accept the same commands.

They’re both not too different in terms of functionality, both support tabs for instance. They are different in how they are presented. Tilda runs in the background by default, and hides/reappears when pushing F12, meaning you could run terminal programs in the background.

MATE Terminal opens a new window with the keyboard shortcut CTRL+ALT+T and closing it would ask if you want to kill whatever’s running in that terminal.

If your desktop ends up in crisis, like you can no longer interact with the panels, then Tilda’s F12 would be a “Get Out Of Jail Free” way to get back the desktop as CTRL+ALT+T wouldn’t work. How effective that would be depends if you know any commands to recover, like mate-panel --replace to reload panels.

As a bit of feedback, I personally don’t like this behaviour by default – I’d call up CTRL+ALT+T if I need a terminal, and keep the key F12 free for other programs. I think it could confuse newcomers if they accidentally trigger this and have no idea what it is, like here.

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One thing that bothers me about Tilda is that you cannot hide it while is focused
For example I write some commands and then I press F12 and it will not hide
I need to click on the taskbar and then to press F12 to make it dissapear
Anyone else is having this issue?