Ubuntu MATE 20.04 Beta is out!

One of your tutorials was so helpful for updating the page (I want to say the one on verifying downloads), so thank you!! :clap: :green_heart:

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Thanks for the invitation to try Ubuntu-Mate. I installed it today on a VM and it is running very well. Since the installation I have not found any problem.

So then, should Canonical use that term public-facing and call any LTS greater than two years ESM releases? I think LTS has become more ambiguous over time, excising the ambiguity before it gets worse for people, where you have to explain one term can mean any variety of things would be great idea to reduce the likelihood of confusion when multiple LTS releases are active.

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@franksmcb Ubuntu MATE is only supported until 2023. No Flavours offer 5 years supports and no flavours are currently part of the ESM programme.


Sorry about that. My attempt at clarification added more confusion.
I've edited that to hopefully make it more clear.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Ubuntu MATE 20.04 LTS Beta Testing

Really nice beta release, packed full of really great stuff and already feels so polished. Thanks Ubuntu Mate team!


I agree - I'm basically using it as my daily driver right now... (I have a laptop with 19.10 on it just in case something fails me at a crucial time!)


I am currently using 18.04. I tried 19.04 and 19.10 but they were broken with the same legacy error I saw in 18.04. Obviously it is more fun to write new code than to fix bugs in old code. I have stopped reporting bugs since the reports are all removed without any attempt to fix the bugs.

No I will not try 20.04.

A Disgusted user,

Robert Pearson

Thank you guys so much for the hard work to keep improving Ubuntu mate, it's been my go to desktop for a number of years now. I will be loading up the latest version and install it on one of my machines... Big thanks


Does this work on Raspberry Pis?

I installed Ubuntu Mate 20.04 and tweaked the heck out of it and haven't broke it yet. I think this might become my daily driver.

Is there a virtual machine program work better with Mate or can I use whatever I'm more comfortable with?


Downloaded and running as my daily driver. Working flawlessly. Thanks for another stellar release.



Welcome! You may be better off asking the virtualisation question in the Support & Help Requests section.

Hola, el funcionamiento es muy bueno, hasta el momento sin bugs y funcionando todo.
Lenovo t430 arranque triple ubuntu-mate 20.04/windows 10/mint 19.3

Translation : Hello, the operation is very good, so far without bugs and everything working.

Good to hear! There's a multi-lingual section to the forums which you will find here, should you need it.

A post was split to a new topic: X-term confusion

Just did a simple dist upgrade from terminal to 20.04
Went and came back with a drink
Everything seems to work. Nothing broken.
:crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:
Not much risk about 3 days before LTS, you'll tell me...
But happy. So far.
Real good job guys ! :+1:


very fast system, tks a lot

12 posts were merged into an existing topic: Ubuntu MATE 20.04 LTS is out!