In case you've missed the news, Ubuntu MATE 20.04 Focal Fossa has been released!
Take a look at what's new:
Upgrading from 18.04 LTS
This release is still officially supported for another year (April 2021).
You'll see this notification to upgrade in a couple of months when the first point release is available (20.04.1). This is like a stability safety net, to allow for early 20.04 issues to be ironed out.
Upgrading from 19.10
Being a short-term release, you must upgrade within 2 months (June 2020).
Notifications in Software Updater should start to appear soon.
Upgrade before the prompt
If your system hasn't been invited to upgrade, press Alt + F2 and type:
update-manager -c -d
Disregard the "development release" message, as you can be assured that 20.04 has been released and this won't jump onto a newly opened 20.10 branch (unless you try to do this from 20.04, of course!)
Alternately, upgrades can be performed via the Terminal:
sudo do-release-upgrade -d
As always, it is a good practice to backup your computer.
Fresh Installs
Downloads are right here:
We've also recently updated the website to provide more details on how you can get involved and get a feel of what makes up the MATE desktop experience.
What about 20.04 for the Raspberry Pi and GPD?
These are now available!