Ubuntu MATE 24.04.1 LTS Released

@Omnimaxus I'm creating a separate reply, since readers may not be notified if I modify one of my previous responses. I already had a bare Ubuntu MATE 24.04 VM, using the YaruOk theme. I followed your instructions in your other post: What is this? (New bug in panel)

I want to report that I am seeing the border around the Inhibit applet when I click one of the icons in the Indicator applet! However, this only happens to me under very specific circumstances, but for me, is repeatedly reproducible:

  1. Add some launchers to the panel. I have one for Firefox and one for MATE Terminal.
  2. Now add the Indicator Applet to the panel, and finally add the Inhibit Applet to the Panel.
  3. Now, right-click the Inhibit Applet, and select Move. Move it just a tiny bit.
  4. Next, click any of the icons in the Indicator Applet. The frame is drawn around the Inhibit Applet.
  5. Next, click one of the launchers from step 1. I clicked Terminal.
  6. Now go back to the Indicator Applet and click any icon. The framing no longer appears around the Inhibit Applet. Close the window you opened in step 5. Still, clicking any icon in the Indicator Applet does not cause framing in the Inhibit Applet.
  7. Return to step 3, repeat as often as desired. Framing of the Inhibit Applet returns upon clicking any of the Indicator Applet icons.

I think I may have an idea what is happening here - I did a lot of development work on Windows, but not as much with Linux desktop apps. When I move the Inhibit Applet, that applet now has the input focus; that's developer-speak, and it means that the UI item with the focus gets all the keyboard and mouse input until the focus is claimed by another UI element. The icons in the Indicator Applet do NOT appear to grab the focus when you click them. That would be a design decision; since they are only indicators, they don't normally need the input focus. Well, since they don't grab the focus, that means the focus is still on the Inhibit Applet. So, when you click an icon in the Indicator Applet, the frame gets drawn around the Inhibit Applet to show that it has the focus!

With a repeatable test case, you should be able to submit a bug report. Hope this helps.