Ubuntu-mate+Kaffeine=no picture or sound

Just switched over from Raspian to Ubuntu mate for RPi and have to say I am really impressed the the exception no sound or picture from my DVD-s2 card set up. I have done a scan found all the channels but when I select one the screen is black and no sound I do however have the osd epg so guess the channel has locked.
Both vcgencmd codec_enabled MPG2 & vcgencmd codec_enabled WVC1

AM I missing something in Mate ?

Thanks in advance for any pointers

Hi Andrew,

do you have sound otherwise?, do you have more than one language available in your TV reception area as this can cause Kaffeine to mute?, have you checked the sound levels in the sound settings and that the correct hardware is being addressed?:

Check the correct profile and test the speakers in the hardware section of sound preferences:

 Hi Wolfman

Hmmm part of the problem appears to be no HDMI device installed, Please see attached
How do I address that first :slight_smile:

Hi Andrew,

try this link and look at the "Hardware accelerated video" bit which should interest you!. :smiley:

Hi Wolfman
I had thought that issue already but went back and double checked, did it once more and sudo reboot just to ensure changes took place and still only analog. :frowning:

Update now have a picture with Me-Tv (never got that on Raspian) Just no sound

Now have sound on Kaffeine :slight_smile:
Picture and sound on ME-TV :slight_smile:

Following this
Code: allsudo nano /boot/config.txt
Ensure it contains (I assume you are using audio over HDMI):
Code: allhdmi_drive=2
You may also want to add:
Code: allhdmi_force_hotplug=1
Save (CTRL+O). Reboot.

All that remains is to find the issue with Kaffeine

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Hi Andrew,

try installing some mpeg files which has often worked for me in the past!. :smiley:

sudo apt-get install mpeg2dec libmpeg3-2

Thank you Wolfman I will givethat a try in the morning and let you know the outcome.

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