It is not finished yet, but the new Ubuntu MATE Welcome screen is taking shape.
Ubuntu MATE Welcome available for testing
I've published 1.0.0 release candidates for Ubuntu MATE Welcome in PPAs for 15.04 and 15.10. Please come and test, particularly the Software Install feature Ubuntu MATE Welcome won't pop up default when installed outside of Ubiquity, so you'll find it in
Applications -> System -> Ubuntu MATE Welcome
Ubuntu MATE 15.04
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-mate-dev/vivid-mate
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-mate-welcome
Ubuntu MATE 15.10
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-mate-dev/wily-mate
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-mate-welcome
Friday June 19th
This is how the Ubuntu MATE Welcome looked on June 19th.
This will be integrated into Ubuntu MATE 15.10 at some point at will pop-up when you login to a session. It can be configured to stop popping up too. The idea is simple, try and put all the useful information front and center so new user can find there way around
It is basically a local webapp but also knows how to launch applications with using specially crafted URLs. Currently, Introduction, Features, Community, Chat Room and Get Involved are finished.
Saturday June 20th
This is how the Ubuntu MATE Welcome looks now. I've listened to the feedback I've had from this forum and the social networks. I've changed the design a little and all the features are implemented, but some content needs work.
The opening screen.
Documentation that describes the Ubuntu MATE project and what Ubuntu MATE is.
Documentation that explains what the core applications are and what they do. It goes on to talk about Accessibility, Steam and mobile device integration.
Getting started
A selection of useful activities you should probably complete after an initial install. Yes, those buttons all do exactly what they say they do and there are several more activities down the page including User Interface and full documentation for every keyboard short-cut.
Chat Room
The HexChat icon and button launch a preconfigured profile that directly connects to the #ubuntu-mate
A really tiny "software center" that recommends best of breed applications that integrate well with Ubuntu MATE. Yes, those install buttons work. I've only put about 6 applications in here so far, I don't want it to be a huge selection but it does need expanding.
Get Involved
This page need some work
What the...