I think so. This may be a nameserver issue. See - Wifi issue in 17.04 post #11 for a fix referring to a reported bug. This may be a fix for you or maybe not. Edit: You oughta read through the entire thread just familiarize yourself with this issue.
Additionally, (and just in case it is useful) from - https://askubuntu.com/questions/905742/how-to-install-package-from-ubuntu-install-dvd I got this helpful paragraph -
I found a solution about how to enable networking in recovery mode: get into root console, enter the following lines:
mount -o remount,rw /
dhclient enp3s0
echo "nameserver" | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf > /dev/null
if you cant find out your ethernet interface’s name (enp3s0 above), try iwconfig (ifconfig is not installed by default) After these steps i was able to reinstall the package i deleted, using apt-get install.
I think that your wireless network interface name is wlx08863b9276e2 from post # 18 above but be sure to verify this. Good luck Jim.