Unfortunately, I no longer use Ubuntu MATE

I could (and had) complain (at length) about MATE Dock not working, but that was only because I am using an older version of Compiz, which makes it act funny.

I’m still barred from making a new issue, commenting on issues or even apologizing to its author for making what he perceived as a troll response so I’m the only person in the whole wide world maybe with this particular issue and because I had an angry Linus moment, I am unable to contribute further information about my issue. That aside, my point is to try the system in a live session to make sure these issues are not arising because of changes that you have made.

(BTW, could somebody PM me robint99’s E-Mail so I can apologize to him?)

Well if you like arch but dont like all the hassle it brings why not try Manjaro?
Its quite rock solid for a arch based distro

No idea. On Debian I always use that command or you put it in compton.conf. Though I have to say that on Ubuntu Mate 16.04 I just use the default settings without any fiddling at least on my T400.
It always depends on your graphics card. Onboard Intel very often has screen tearing if you do not use OpenGL.

Great idea - maybe something for MATE Tweak?

Nah. It should have its own dedicated control centre similar to what you can install for Compiz.

I think Compiz was causing some of the issues I encountered also, but I have used compiz on Manjaro xfce without issue so I can’t accept saying the problem was with Compiz.

I’ve never had these problems with the wifi, it’s rock-solid on my old acer aspire one 725. As are the panels, it boots and it works, all the time, every time.

The other issues, maybe is because I live in a terminal and use find, grep, apt-get etc 100% of the time. Usually, because they are quicker than the GUI versions.

I’d wait until 16.04.1 LTS comes out

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I didn’t say I liked Arch.

Just for reference, here’s an article that I think should be required reading for anyone who recommends Arch Linux: http://www.catchlinux.com/arch-linux-myth/

Here’s something that I believe everyone should read before recommending Manjaro: http://keithcu.com/wordpress/?p=3389

I don’t understand why so many small groups of people think they should
make an OS. At Microsoft, a team of 4 developers would be maintaining a

How can Manjaro go through thousands of packages and check/patch for stability and security problems? They can’t, and they end up keeping you from getting packages when they are ready (which poses security problems).
You don’t know all of the nice things that Ubuntu/Mint put into making their distros nice until you decide to try and replicate them yourself with Arch Linux (fonts, packages pre-configured with sane defaults).

I personally think it’s ridiculous that any user in the 21st century should think that they should spend their time going through and applying all of these little changes to get a good desktop experience, or that they should suffer through a bad desktop experience when Ubuntu and Mint distros come with a good experience out of the box.

TL;DR: Way too many people use Arch because it’s the cool thing to do; and I was one of them. If you’re happy with Ubuntu MATE or some other distro right now, don’t be tempted by Arch’s siren song. The grass isn’t greener on the other side and you’ll find yourself dashed upon the rocks of a poor desktop experience.


Actually the Manjaro team is very dedicated to its job and most of the issues of arch do not trickle down.

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I can’t speak from experience here about Manjaro fixing Arch’s problems in general but I know they haven’t fixed fonts.. The Ubuntu base is just really nice because a lot of the patches they have made lead to a better desktop experience.

Font’s in Manjaro are awful. Nothing I tried made them look any better. I have Antergos right now with Ubuntu fonts and they look great. Even the default in Antergos looks fine I just like the Ubuntu font.

I agree about the Manjaro fonts. Awful.

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Just to be clear, I’m not trying to turn this thread into a thread where we bash other distros. I’m just trying to praise things Ubuntu-based distros get right.


I guess your problems might be hardware specific, I only experienced problems with Synapse but since I don’t use it I didn’t care. Wifi is the total blame on Canonical, they just don’t care for desktop users. Have you tried Debian 8.5 with MATE desktop? It gets tested on more hardware and breakages are not tolerated as they are in Ubuntu.

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There are so many topics here, @anon42388993 and @lah7 should be excising the topic splits into separate threads for further discussion.

I don’t know. This is a forum area where topics consonantly drift. I think it more important to stay on thread in our technical forums. Got to have some freedom to move around somewhere :slight_smile:

This is IMO. @lah7 may not agree and take me out back for another whipping :slight_smile:

Hey @tiox, you forgot to mention me :wink:

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@anon42388993 Who brought out a whip? :grin: Jokes aside, I agree, particularly as it’s quite a generic discussion and isn’t flowing into any specific direction, just thoughts and opinions. I haven’t kept up with this topic. :confused:

Perhaps this would be a good time to search existing or start new discussions in #development-discussion or #feedback so focus can be given to areas requiring attention.

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Great suggestions! I will use them in the future!

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