Virtual box or partion for testing?

Greetings all,

Well, after a few days of researching Linux, I have decided on Ubuntu Mate; however, I am unsure at this point the best way to test it: in a virtual box or in it’s own partition. My system is a home-made Windows 7 Home Edition system: 8 gigs ram, Intel i3 core, Asus Z77 MB, Nvidia GTX 650.

There’s plenty of hard drive space to partition, but I’m really looking for the best overall experience of having the chance to learn a bit about Ubuntu Mate before I install it.

Thanks very much,


I’d start with Virtualbox to play around, but I think a “real” install will always have the best experience.

Hi Starkman

Is that i3 a 2 or 4 core? I find that Mate runs better for me with a 2core VM.

Another conversation about VM and other here.

I believe it’s a 4-core. It is, I know a 3.3 GHz.

Open a terminal (Ctrl + Alt + t) and enter:

cat /proc/cpuinfo

If its 4core, IMO you have the minimum system requirement. This is based on my experience with virtualbox.

As 'abrowne" said, the best performance is with a physical install.

Ctrl+Alt+T…on a Windows machine? Don’t work, my good friend!

oops :slight_smile: Don’t know what I was thinking