I recently installed Ubuntu-Mate 16.04. I had no issues installing OpenVpn and it connects just fine. However, once connected, I do not have the lock symbol indicating VPN is connected. I am not sure if I did something to mess that up or if OpenVPN installed that way as I may have not checked when I first installed. Is there anyway to get the VPN indicator back? I see it flashing during the connection process, just does not stay after being connected.
Update: This happened because I enabled Indicators under Mate Tweak/Interface
Even after enabling Indicators under Mate Tweak/Interface? With VPN enabled, I was able to make the lock icon come and go just by checking and unchecking the Indicator box.
Hi there, I recently updated from 16.04 to 18.04 and I didn’t have this bug but now I do…
No lock when connecting to a VPN over wifi…
Would it be possible to change that please? It’s very important for people in some places to check if their VPN connection is active or not.